PD Dr. phil. Anja Gysin-Maillart

Head of the Suicide Research Working Group & Swiss Competence Center for Suicide Prevention

University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

+41 58 630 6299
Postal Address
Murtenstrasse 21
private website

Anja Gysin-Maillart, PhD, is a senior psychologist and psychotherapist at the outpatient department of the University Hospital of Psychiatry Bern. She is one of the two developers of the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) who are heading ASSIP internationally. She is a research fellow of the Translational Research Center at the University Hospital of Psychiatry Bern (UPD) and a member of different national and international research groups with a main focus on suicide prevention. Her main focus lies on the investigation of therapy processes involved in the specific short-time therapy ASSIP to decrease the risk of repeated suicidal behaviour. Particularly noteworthy are the extensive international research collaborations with the US, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Belgium and Lithuania, etc. with a visiting lecture position at the University of Leipzig, Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology and another visiting scientist position at the University of Lund, Department of Clinical Sciences and Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine. These include ongoing research projects and teaching.

Group Gysin-Maillart


a Translational Research Center, University Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Bern, Switzerland
b Unit for Clinical Suicide Research, Department of Clinical Sciences, Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden
c Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University of Leipzig, Germany

Internal Collaboration

Translational Research Centre: PD Dr. phil. Maria Stein

National Collaborations

assip.org -> wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund (Publikationen und aktuelle Projekte)

International Collaborations

