Research groups

Group Gysin-Maillart


  • Neuropsychological and clinical measures: TMT, D2, DEMO, BSS, SSEV, Mini-Dips, BDI-II, MBPPAS, GSE, SMST, HLS19-Q12, UCLA, IE-4, DSS-4, SRCS, FAMOS, INK
  • Process measures: WAI-SR, FEP-2, BVB-2000
  • Neuropsychological and physiological methods: Go/No-Go Task, Suicide Stroop, S-IAT, EDA (Electrodermal Activity)
  • Real-time measures: EMA (Ecological Momentary Assessment)
  • Video analyses: MEA (Movement Energy Analysis)
  • Study designs: clinical, randomized controlled trials, experimental and observational studies, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, single- and/or multi-site studies, as well as national and international studies