
Gysin-Maillart, A., Bettschen, D., Annaheim, P., Walther, S., Waern, M., Müller, M., Exadaktylos, A., Klukowska-Rötzler, J. (2024). Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Older Adults With Suicide-Related Emergency Department Presentations. Journal of Aging and Health, 0(0), 1-12. doi: org/10.1177/08982643241261094

Probert-Lindström, S,  Bötschi. S., & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2023). The Influence of Treatment Latency on Suicide-Specific Treatment Outcomes, Archives of Suicide. doi: org/10.1080/13811118.2023.2265437

Lüke, R., Gerlach, A. L., Gysin-Maillart, A., Lewitzka, U., & Teismann, T. (2023). Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung infolge eines Suizidversuchs. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Arvilommi, P., Valkonen, J., Lindholm, L., Gaily-Luoma, S., Suominen, K., Gysin-Maillart, A., Ruishalme, O., Isometsä, E. (2022). ASSIP vs. Crisis Counselling for Preventing Suicide Re-Attempts: Outcome Predictor Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial Data. Archives of Suicide, 1-16.

Gysin-Maillart, A. C., Jansen, R., Walther, S., Jobes, D. A., Brodbeck, J., & Marmet, S. Longitudinal Development of Reasons for Living and Dying with Suicide Attempters: A 2-Year Follow-Up Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 848.

Conner, K. R., Kearns, J. C., Esposito, E. C., Pizzarello, E., Wiegand, T. J., Britton, P. C., Michel, K., Gysin-Maillart, A., & Goldston, D. B. (2021). Pilot RCT of the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) adapted for rapid delivery during hospitalization to adult suicide attempt patients with substance use problems. General hospital

Michel, K., Gysin-Maillart, A., Breit, S., Walther, S., & Pavlidou, A. (2021). Psychopharmacological treatment is not associated with reduced suicide ideation and reattempts in an observational follow-up study of suicide attempters. Journal of Psychiatric Research.

Teismann, T., & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2021). Psychotherapie nach einem Suizidversuch–Evidenzlage und Bewertung. Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz, 1-7

Keller, R., Saillant, S., Gysin-Maillart, A., & Michaud Laurent (2021). ASSIP : nouvelle modalité thérapeutique après un geste suicidaire. Revue Médicale Suisse, 1602-1605

Gysin-Maillart, A., Soravia, L., & Schwab, S. (2020). Attempted suicide short intervention program influences coping among patients with a history of attempted suicide. Journal of affective disorders, 264, 393-399.

Ring, M., & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2020). Patients' satisfaction with the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic outcome is related to suicidal ideation in the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP). Crisis.

Ring, M., Walther, S., & Gysin-Maillart, A. C. (2019). The Association between Therapeutic Alliance and Individuals’ Wish to Die or Live. Psychology, 10(12), 1711-1725.

Latakienė, J., Mastauskaitė, G., Geležėlytė, O., Mažulytė-Rašytinė, E., Rimkevičienė, J., Skruibis, P., ... & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2019). “I Didn’t Feel Treated as Mental Weirdo”: Primary Findings on Helpful Relationship Characteristics in Suicide Attempt Health Care in Lithuania, Illness, Crisis & Loss, 1-17. doi.10.1177/1054137319854656

Park, A., Gysin-Maillart, A., Müller, T., Exadaktylos, A., Michel, K (2018). Cost-effectiveness of a Brief Structured Intervention Program Aimed at Preventing Repeat Suicide Attempts Among Those Who Previously Attempted Suicide. A Secondary Analysis of the ASSIP Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 1(6): e183680.

Brüdern, J, Stähli, A., Gysin-Maillart, A., Michel, K., Reisch, Th., Jobes, D. A., & Brodbeck, J. (2018). Reasons for Living and Dying in Suicide Attempters: A two-years prospective study. BMC Psychiatry, 18, 1-9.

Michel, K., Valach, L, & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2017). A Novel Therapy for People Who Attempt Suicide and Why We Need New Models of Suicide. International Journal of Environmental Research and public health, 14(3), 1-15. doi.10.3390/ijerph14030243

Gysin-Maillart, A., Soravia, L. M., Gemperli, A., & Michel, K. (2017). Suicide Ideation is Related to Therapeutic Alliance in a Brief Therapy for Attempted Suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 21(1), 113.126. doi: 10.1080/13811118.2016.1162242

Gysin-Maillart, A., Schwab, S., Soravia, L. M., Megert, M., & Michel, K. (2016). A novel brief therapy for patients who attempt suicide: a 24-months follow-up randomized controlled study of the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP). PLoS Medicine 13(3): e1001968. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001968.

Brüdern, J., Berger, T., Casper, F., Gysin-Maillart, A., & Michel, K. (2016). The Role of Self-Organization in the Suicidal Process. Psychological Report, 118(2): 668-85. doi:10.1177/0033294116633351

Brüdern, J., Berger, T., Michel, K., Gysin-Maillart, A., Schmutz, I., & Caspar, F. (2015). Are Suicide Attempters Wired Differently? A Comparison with Nonsuicidal Depressed Individuals Using Plan Analysis. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 203(7), 514-521. doi:10.1097/NMD.00000000000000321

Kupferschmid, S., Gysin-Maillart, A., Bühler, S.K., Steffen, T., Michel, K., Schimmelmann, B. G., & Reisch, T. (2013). Gender differences in methods of suicide attempts and prevalence of previous suicide attempts. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 41(6), 401-405.

Aschenbrenner, L. M., Frei, A., Knapp, D., Forkmann, T., Schreiber, D., Glaesmer, H., Brüdern, J., Stein, M., Walther, S., & Gysin-Maillart, A. Exploring Implicit Emotional Associations with Death in Patients with Current Suicidal Ideation: Results from Novel Attitude Implicit Association Tests for Suicide. Journal of Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior (under review).

Frei, A., A schenbrenner, L. M., Firnenburg, D., Cattapan, K., Michaud, L., Saillant, S., Olbrich, S., Werdin, S., Wyss, K., Sedlinska, M. A., Walther, S., &  Gysin-Maillart, A. Zusammenhang von therapeutischer Allianz und wahrgenommener Selbstwirksamkeit in der Behandlung von Patient:innen mit suizidalem Verhalten. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie (PPmP) (under review).

Aschenbrenner, L. M., Brogna, S., Teismann, T., Frei, A., Sedlinská, M.-A., Glaesmer, H., Forkmann, T., Walther, S., Ehnvall, A., & Gysin-Maillart, A. Assessing Psychological Pain in Suicide Attempters, Ideators, and Non-Suicidal Patients: Findings from the Translated German Mee-Bunney Psychological Pain Assessment Scale (in preparation)

Sedlinská, M.-A., Ramseyer, F., Scheidegger, A.E., Frei, A., Aschenbrenner, L., Walther, S., & Gysin-Maillart, A. Association between Movement Synchrony and Psychological Pain in Therapies with Suicide Attempters (in preparation)

Gysin-Maillart, A. & Albertson, E. (2024). Une thérapie à domicile après un acte suicidaire., Revue d'information sociale,

Brogna S., Frei A., Walther S., & Gysin-Maillart A. (2022). Wirksame Kurztherapie nach Suizidversuch neu auch zu Hause. Leading Opinions.

Brogna S., Frei A., Walther S., & Gysin-Maillart A. (2022). Hintergründe suizidaler Krisen im Narrativen Interview verstehen. Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen, Heft 3/22.

Berger, G., Blaser, M., Häberling, I., Gysin-Maillart, A., Michel, K., Pauli, D., & Walitza, S. (2021). AdoASSIP–ein Kurzinterventionsprogramm für Adoleszente nach Suizidversuchen. Psychiatrie & Neurologie, (2), 6-10.

Teismann, T., Forkmann, T., Gysin-Maillart, A., & Glaesmer, H. (2018). Nach einem Suizidversuch: Verhaltenstherapeutische Behandlungsmassnahmen. Psychotherapeutenjournal, 1, 4-10.

Brogna S., Walther, S., & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2022). Wirksame Kurztherapie nach Suizidversuch neu auch zu Hause. UPDate Newsletter

Frei, A., Brogna, S., Walther, S., & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2022). Wirksame Kurzeittherapie nach Suizidversuch neu auch im Home Treatment. Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz Newsletter.

Gysin-Maillart, A. (2021). ASSIP - Kurztherapie nach Suizidversuch. Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (2. Aufl.). Bern: Hogrefe

Gysin-Maillart, A. (2021). Evidenzbasierte Psychotherapie im Erwachsenenalter. Suizidales Erleben und Verhalten: Ein Handbuch, 136

Michel, K., & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2015). Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program-ASSIP. A manual for clinicians. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Gysin-Maillart, A., & Michel, K. (2013). Kurztherapie nach Suizidversuch. ASSIP (Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program. Therapiemanual). Bern, Switzerland: Huber

Krisenintervention und Suizidalität. Teismann, T. & Gysin-Maillart, A. (2019).

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