Research groups

Group Gysin-Maillart


  • Investigation of implicit associations in individuals with suicidal ideation and behavior, including analysis of implicit associations related to death and internal/external locus of control (IAT-S project).
  • Identification of (neuro-)psychological patterns in individuals with suicidal ideation and behavior, focusing on inhibitory control and attentional biases (NePsyASSIP, project 2).
  • Examination of the modulation of these patterns through ASSIP therapy (NePsyASSIP, project 3), including a one-year follow-up using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) and Mobile Ecological Assessment (MEA).
  • Development and evaluation of flexible treatment interfaces through the ASSIP flex project to reach previously untreated patients and address gaps in transitional care.
  • Projects in Africa focusing on the implementation of ASSIP in tertiary care settings.
  • Development of a research project on postvention.
  • Development of a research project on biomarkers.
  • These projects utilize innovative methods to improve the early identification and treatment of suicidal ideation and behavior. To date, various national and international research collaborations are ongoing, with active support from the research group.

These projects use innovative methods to improve the early identification and treatment of suicidal ideation and behavior. To date, various national and international research collaborations are ongoing and actively supported by the research group.