
Current funding

Co-applicant for an IFK grant of the University of Bern (Main applicants: Prof. Claudio Bassetti and Prof. Fred Mast)

Past funding

Grants received (as principal investigator)
 Duration  Amount
 Mikrozustände des Gehirns im Verlauf der Entwicklung bei normalen Kindern und Kindern mit erhöhter Vulnerabilität für spätere psychische Erkrankungen (SNF Nr. 823A-053460 (Post-Doc Fellowship)
 01.04.1999 – 31.03.2000       70’170.- CHF
 Lokalization synchroner Hirnaktivität mit kombiniertem EEG und fMRI. (SNF Nr. 320000-108321, with C. Boesch and T. Dierks)
 01.05.2006 – 30.04.2009  235'426.- CHF
 The 16th world congress of the international society for brain electromagnetic topography (ISBET 2005) (SNF Nr. IB71B0-111320, Internat. Collaboration)  01.10.2005 – 01.11.2005  4500.- CHF
 Resting states of the brain and state dependent information processing in health and disease (SNF Nr. 136249, Sinergia, with P. Achermann, D. Brandeis and L. Jäncke)
 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2014  950’442.- CHF
Grants received (as co-investigator)
 Grant Duration
 Man-Machine Communication through Brain Computer Interface. (SNF Nr. 2153-067852, PI: T. Ebrahimi, EPFL)  01.10.2002 – 30.04.2005  322,323.- CHF
 Does slow wave sleep strengthen the memory traces of both consciously and nonconsciously encoded episodes? (SNF Nr. K-13K1-119953, PI: Katharine Henke)
 01.05.2008 – 30.04.2011  502'939.- CHF
 Imaging large scale neuronal networks in epilepsy. (SNF Nr. 33CM30-124089, PI: Margitta Seeck)  01.01.2009 31.12.2011  1'608'515.- CHF
 Mental Imagery and Perceptual Learning. (SNF Nr. 135303, PI: Fred Mast)  01.09.2011 31.08.2014  321,732.- CHF
 Testing Theories of Meaning Activation: Masked and Nonmasked Priming in Ambiguity. (SNF Nr. 100014_143508, PI: Doris Eckstein)  01.10.2012 31.09.2015  255,611.- CHF