
In collaboration with

  • Prof. Dr. med Kristina Adorjan, Full Professor of Psychiatry Bern and Director of the University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, Switzerland
  • Prof. Dr. med Oliver Tüscher, Director of the University Hospital of Psychiatry Halle, Germany
  • PD Dr. med Hauke Wiegand, Senior physician research, University Hospital of Psychiatry Halle, Germany

In collaboration with

Prof. Dr. Leila Soravia Bachofner, Deputy Head of the Clinical Psychology Service at the University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, Switzerland

In collaboration with

  • Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Thomas König, Deputy Head of the Translational Research Center, University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, Switzerland
  • Prof. em. Dr. phil. Wolfgang Tschacher, University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, Switzerland

In collaboration with

Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Bracht, University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, Switzerland

In collaboration with

Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Bracht, University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, Switzerland

In collaboration with

  • Prof. Dr. Leila Soravia Bachofner, Deputy Head of the Clinical Psychology Service at the University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, Switzerland
  • Dr. med. Niklaus Dernier, University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, Switzerland
  • Dr. med. Alexander Wopfner, Director Clinic Südhang, Switzerland