Heinrichs, M., Wagner, D., Schoch, W., Soravia, L. M., Hellhamer, D. H., Ehlert, U. (2005). Predicting posttraumatic stress symptoms from pretraumatic risk factors: A 2-year prospective follow-up study in firefighters. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 162, 2276-2286 .
Soravia, L. M., Heinrichs, M., Aerni, A., Maroni, C., Schelling, G., Ehlert, U., Roozendaal, B., de Quervain, D. J.-F. (2006). Glucocorticoids reduce phobic fear in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 103 (14), 5585-5590.
Zorn, P., Roder, V., Soravia, L.M., Tschacher, W. (2008). Evaluation of the "Schemafocused Emotive Behavioural Therapy“ (SET) for patients with personality disorders: Results of a randomised controlled trial. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie, 58, 371-378.
Soravia, L. M., de Quervain, D. J.-F., Heinrichs, M. (2009). Glucocorticoids do not reduce subjective fear in healthy subjects exposed to social stress. Biological Psychology, Vol 81 (3), 184-188.
Fisler, M., Federspiel, A., Horn, H., Dierks, T., Schmitt, W., Wiest, R., de Quervain, D., Soravia, L. M. (2013). Spider phobia is associated with decreased left amygdala volume: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry, 13(1), 70-77.
Giezendanner, S., Walther, S., Razavi, N., Van Swam, C., Fisler, M.S., Soravia, L.M., Andreotti, A., Jann, K., Wiest, R., Dierks, T., Federspiel, A. (2013). Alterations of White Matter Integrity Related to the Season of Birth in Schizophrenia: A DTI Study. PLoS ONE, 8(9):e75508.
Soravia, L. M., Heinrichs, M., Winzeler, L, Fisler, M., Schmitt, W., Horn, H., Dierks, T., Strik, W., Hofmann, S., de Quervain, D. J.-F. (2014). Glucocorticoids enhance in vivo exposure-based therapy outcome in spider phobia. Depression and Anxiety, 31(5):429-35.
Fisler M.S., Federspiel A., Horn H., Dierks T., Schmitt W., Wiest R., de Quervain D. J.-F., Soravia L. M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1).
Soravia, L.M., Schläfli, K., Stutz, S., Rösner, S., Moggi, F. (2015). Resistance to temptation: The interaction of external and internal control on alcohol use during residential treatment for alcohol use disorder. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39 (11), 2209-2214.
Soravia, L., Stocker, E., Schlaefli, K., Schoenenberger, N., Schreyer, M., Dittrich, T., Grossniklaus, C., (2016). Climbing as a Chance in the Treatment of Addictions Effects of Therapeutic Climbing on Anxiety, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy in Patients with Alcohol Dependence. Suchttherapie 17, 34-39
Soravia, L.M., Witmer, J., Schwab, S., Nakataki, M., Federspiel, A., Dierks, T., Wiest, R., Henke, K., Jann, K. (2016). Pre-stimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human Brain Mapping, 37, 924-932
Maillart-Gysin, A., Schwab, S., Soravia, L.M., Michel, K. (2016). A Novel Brief Therapy for Patients Who Attempt Suicide: The Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP). A 24-months follow-up randomized controlled study. PLoS Med, 13(3): e1001968.
Giezendanner, S., Fisler, M.S., Soravia, L.M., Andreotti, A., Walther, S., Wiest, R., Dierks, T., Federspiel, A. (2016). Microstructure and Cerebral Blood Flow within White Matter of the Human Brain: A TBSS Analysis. PLoS ONE, 11, e0150657
Soravia, L. M., Orosz, A., Schwab, S., Nakataki, M., Wiest, R., & Federspiel, A. (2016). CBT reduces CBF: cognitive-behavioral therapy reduces cerebral blood flow in fear‐relevant brain regions in spider phobia. Brain and Behavior.
Rihm, J. S., Sollberger, S. B., Soravia, L. M., & Rasch, B. (2016). Re-presentation of Olfactory Exposure Therapy Success Cues during Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep did not Increase Therapy Outcome but Increased Sleep Spindles. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 340.
Nakataki, M., Soravia, L. M., Schwab, S., Horn, H., Dierks, T., Strik, W., Wiest, R., Heinrichs, M., de Quervain, D.J., Morishima, Y. (2017). Glucocorticoid Administration Improves Aberrant Fear-Processing Networks in Spider Phobia. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(2), 485-494.
Gysin-Maillart, A.C., Soravia, L.M., Gemperli, A., Michel, K. (2017). Suicide ideation is related to therapeutic alliance in a brief therapy for attempted suicide. Archives of suicide research 21, 113-126.
Soravia, L.M., Wopfner, A., Pfiffner, L., Bétrisey, S., Moggi, F., (2017). Symptom-Triggered Detoxification Using the Alcohol-Withdrawal-Scale Reduces Risks and Healthcare Costs. Alcohol and alcoholism, 53, 71-77.
Soravia, L.M., Schwab, S., Weber, N., Nakataki, M., Wiest, R., Strik, W., Heinrichs, M., de Quervain, D., Federspiel, A. (2018). Glucocorticoid administration restores salience network activity in patients with spider phobia. Depression and anxiety, 35(10), 925-934.
Tschuemperlin, R., Stein, M., Batschelet, H., Moggi, F., Soravia, L. (2019). Learning to resist the urge: Inhibition training in abstinent patients with alcohol use disorder. A study protocol of a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Trials, 20(1), 402.
Gysin-Maillart, A., Soravia, L., and Schwab, S. (2020). Attempted suicide short intervention program influences coping among patients with a history of attempted suicide. Journal of affective disorders 264, 393-399.
Schwab, S., Federspiel, A., Morishima, Y., Nakataki, M., Strik, W., Wiest, R., Heinrichs, M. de Quervain, D.F.J., Soravia, L. M. (2020). Glucocorticoids and cortical decoding in the phobic brain. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 300, 111066.
Moggi, F., Ossola, N., Graser, Y., & Soravia, L. M. (2020). Trail Making Test: Normative Data for Patients with Severe Alcohol Use Disorder. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(11), 1790-1799.
Moggi, F., Schorno, D., Soravia, L. M., Mohler-Kuo, M., Estévez-Lamorte, N., Studer, J., & Gmel, G. (2020). Screened attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a predictor of substance use initiation and escalation in early adulthood and the role of self-reported conduct disorder and sensation seeking: a 5-year longitudinal study with young adult Swiss men. European addiction research, 26(4-5), 233-244.
Tschuemperlin, R. M., Batschelet, H. M., Moggi, F., Koenig, T., Roesner, S., Keller, A., Pfeifer, P., Soravia, L.M, Stein, M. (2020). The Neurophysiology of Implicit Alcohol Associations in Recently Abstinent Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: An Event‐Related Potential Study Considering Gender Effects. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research, 44(10), 2031-2044.
Soravia, L., Schwab, S., Walther, S., Müller, T. (2021). Rescuers at risk: Posttraumatic stress symptoms differ among police officers, fire fighters, ambulance personnel, and emergency and psychiatric nurses. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Graser, Y., Stutz, S., Rösner, S., Moggi, F., Soravia, L.M. (2021). Telephone- and text message-based Continuing Care after Residential Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder – A randomized clinical Multi-Center Study. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 45(1),224-233.
Soravia, L.M., Moggi, F., and Dominique, J.-F. (2021). Effects of cortisol administration on craving during in vivo exposure in patients with alcohol use disorder. Translational psychiatry 11(1), 1-9.
Batschelet, H.B., Tschuemperlin, R.M., Moggi, F., Soravia, L.M., Koenig, T., Pfeifer, P., Roesner, S., Keller, A., Stein, M. (2021). Neurophysiological Correlates of Alcohol-Specific Inhibition in Alcohol Use Disorder and its Association with Craving and Relapse. Clinical neurophysiology, 132(6), 1290-1301.
Bracht, T., Soravia, L., Moggi, F., Stein, M., Grieder, M., Federspiel, A., Tschümperlin, R., Batschelet, H., Wiest, R., Denier, D. (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational psychiatry 11(1), 1-10
Kexel, A.-K., Kluwe-Schiavon, B., Visentini, M., Soravia, L.M., Kirschbaum, C., Quednow, B.B. (2021). Stability and test-retest reliability of different hormonal stress markers upon exposure to psychosocial stress at a 4-month interval. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 105342.
Kexel, A.-K., Kluwe-Schiavon, B., Baumgartner, M. R., Engeli, E. J., Visentini, M., Kirschbaum, C., Seifritz, E., Ditzen, B., Soravia, L. M., & Quednow, B. B. (2022). Cue-induced cocaine craving enhances psychosocial stress and vice versa in chronic cocaine users. Translational Psychiatry, 12(1), 443.
Soravia, L.M., Denier, N., Moggi, F., Grieder, M., Federspiel, A., Tschuemperlin, R.M., Batschelet, H.M., Vollstädt-Klein, S., Wiest, R., Stein, M., Bracht, T. (2022). Reduced structural connectivity of the amygdala is associated with childhood trauma in adult patients with alcohol use disorder. Addiction Biology, 27(3), e13164.
Graser, Y., Stutz, S., Rösner, S., Wopfner, A., Moggi, F, Soravia, L.M. (2022). Different Goals, different Needs: The Effects of Telephone- and Text message-based Continuing Care for Patients with different Drinking Goals after Residential Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder. Alcohol and alcoholism.
Aue, T, Kexel, A.-K., Kluwe-Schiavon, B., Bührer, S., Baumgartner, M. Soravia, L.M. Quednow, B.B. (2022). In- and out-group effects on social perception and empathy in cocaine use disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 1414
Koroma, D., Znoj, H.J., Soravia, L.M. (2023). Protective or Risk factor? Aftermath Effects of Perceived Social Support and Age On Embitterment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychopathology, 1-5
Stein, M., Soravia, L.M., Tschuemperlin, R.M., Batschelet, M., Jaeger, J., Roesner, S., Keller, A., Gomez Penedo, J.M., Wiers, R.W., Moggi, F. (2023). Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Training in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial Examining Working Mechanisms and Drinking Outcome. Addiction, 118(4), 646-657.
Grieder, M., Soravia, L. M., Tschuemperlin, R. M., Batschelet, H. M., Federspiel, A., Schwab, S., … Stein, M. (2022, March 29). Right inferior frontal activation during alcohol-specific inhibition increases with craving and predicts drinking outcome in alcohol use disorder. medRxiv
Grieder, M., Soravia, L. M., Tschuemperlin, R. M., Batschelet, H. M., Federspiel, A., Schwab, S., Morishima Y., Moggi, F., Stein, M. (2022). Right inferior frontal activation during alcohol-specific inhibition increases with craving and predicts drinking outcome in alcohol use disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13
Bracht, T., Denier, N., Wallimann, M., Walther, S., Mertse, N., Breit, S., Federspiel, A., Wiest, R., Soravia, L.M. (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of Affective Disorders Report, 10, 100435.
Novak, L., Soravia, L.M., Bünter, A., Stöth, F., Wopfner, A., Weinmann, W., Pfeifer, P. (2023). Alcohol biomarker phosphatidylethanol as a predictor of the severity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol and alcoholism, 58(2), 198-202
Stöth, F., Weinmann, W., Soravia, L.M., Pfeifer, P. (2023). Evaluation of phosphatidylethanol elimination in alcohol use disorder patients undergoing withdrawal treatment. Journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, agad010
Denier, N., Walther, S., Breit, S., Mertse, N., Federspiel, A., Meyer, A., Soravia, L.M., Wallimann, M., Wiest, R., Bracht, T. (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy induces remodeling of hippocampal co-activation with the default mode network in patients with depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 38, 103404.
Denier, N., Soravia, L.M., Moggi, F., Stein, M., Grieder, M., Federspiel, A., Tschuemperlin, R.M., Batschelet, H.M., Kupper, Z., Wiest, R., Bracht, T. (2023). The mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and its association with mindfulness in alcohol use disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14(1123204)
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Bracht, T., Walther, S., Breit, S., Mertse, N., Federspiel, A., Meyer, A., Soravia, L.M., Wiest, R., Denier, N. (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: An observational multimodal MRI-study.Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), 6.
Koroma, D., Znoj, H., & Soravia, L. M. (2023). Brief Report: Protective or Risk Factor? Aftermath Effects of Perceived Social Support on Embitterment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychopathology, 56(4), 329-334.
Denier, N., Breit, S., Soravia, L. M., Walther, S., Mertse, N., Krone, L., Federspiel, A., Wiest, R., Bracht, T. (2024). Low sleep quality in major depressive disorder is associated with thinning and decreased functional connectivity of the insular cortex: Insular cortex and sleep quality in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 16, 100744.
Jaeger, J., Osterburg, L., Stein, M., Germann, M., Lustenberger, S. A., Wopfner, A., Denier, D., Bracht, T., Moggi, F., Soravia, L. M. (2024). Antidepressants and Alcohol Use Disorder: A Multicenter Study on the Mediating Role of Depression Symptom Changes. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research
Grieder, M., Jann, K., Breit, S., Mertse, N., Walther, S., Soravia, L.M., Meyer, A., Federspiel, A., Wiest, R., Bracht, T. (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 120671.
Bracht, T., Mertse, N., Breit, S., Federspiel, A., Wiest, R., Soravia, L. M., Walther, S., Denier, N. (2024). Alterations of perfusion and functional connectivity of the cingulate motor area are associated with psychomotor retardation in major depressive disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 1-9.
Jehli, E., Burri, F., Denier, N., Moggi, F., Federspiel, A.,
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Jehli, E., Denier, N., Federspiel, A., Dierks, T., Strik, W., Soravia, L.M., Grieder, M. (2024). Altered functional coupling of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and amygdala in spider phobic fear. Brain Connectivity, 14(10), 527-541.
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