Dr. des. Céline Zeller

former PhD student

2021 - 2024

PhD student, UPD Bern, Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Stefan Klöppel, Dr. Marc Züst

2018 - 2020

M.Sc. in Psychology, University of Bern
Thesis: I want to reduce my Cannabis Consumption - How can I? A cross-sectional survey of self-regulation strategies.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Znoj

2013 – 2017

B.Sc. in Psychology, University of Zurich
Thesis: Demenz aus Sicht der pflegenden Angehörigen
Supervisor: Dr. Vera Schumacher


Matura, Kantonsschule Enge
Economy and Law